Creating a Professional e-Mail Signature

You may send dozens, if not hundreds, of email messages every day. Something as simple as a professional email signature says a lot about you and your organization, and gives contacts everything they need to reach you and learn more. A signature file may or may not contain an actual...

Where Does GoldMine Store Organization Charts?

Organization Tree Data is stored in the “CONSUPP” Table under the RecType “O.” Here is how the ConSupp Fields are used: Fieldname Used For (Data Stored In) ACCOUNTNO AccountNo of the Linked Record RECTYPE “E” CONTACT Date/Time AP was attached. In format: YYYYMMDDHH:MM:SS CONSUPREF Next event to be triggered. Duplicate...

New “Grouping” Capabilities in GoldMine Premium

Use GoldMine Premium’s new “Grid Controls” technology to do “Grouping” within Record Tabs. This feature makes it easier to sort and filter the rows of data in History, Pending, etc. using the ability to Group (see local menu in the corresponding tab). In records with considerable data in the tab...

Creating Counter Fields

GoldMine can track an unlimited number of uniquely named counters. The counter values are stored in the LOOKUP table. For example inserting ~COUNTER("ID",1) into the lookup pick list for a field provides a unique number starting at 0 that increments by 1 each time it is selected by the user.

Vanity Phone Numbers

How many times in a month do you get one of those vanity phone numbers i.e.1-800-BeefLog and have to sit by the phone converting the letters into numbers? Did you know GoldMine could convert those numbers for you? Here is how it works. Just type in the 10-character string into...

Removing Duplicate Records

Now that GoldMine has enhanced duplicate checking, those irritating little dupes should not appear too often. However accidents do happen and they are easy to merge together using record tagging. Having spotted a pair of dupes, simply bring up the Contact Listing Window to show the duplicate records. A double...

Logging into GoldMine Automatically

To setup your GoldMine so that it automatically logs in with your GoldMine username  here is what you need to do: 1. Right Click on the Short Cut Icon that you use to login to GoldMine with. 2. Select Properties 3. In the Target line you want to enter  after...

Creating and Using User Variables

You are not restricted to the four variables in the Personal tab in User Preferences when it comes to User Variables. Create extra variables by amending the username.ini file. (Bob.ini, John.ini, etc.), which can be found in your GoldMine root directory: C:/Program Files/GoldMine or G:/GoldMine, etc. Create your own custom user variables...

Verification Code Error for Remote GoldMine Users

An issue occurs where the user receives a chronic verification code error, this appears to be caused by Sync profile changes made in GoldMine on the undocked users machine: In the GoldSync Administration center on the Main GoldMine Server, right click on the user profile and select Generate Verification Code,...