Don’t keep sending to your unengaged email recipients

In email deliverability terms, low open rates are a clear signal to ISPs (Internet Service Providers) that your email recipients are not engaged with you, your brand, or your content. That lack of engagement becomes a major factor in the delivery of future emails and can even lead to your campaigns being blocked by the ISPs. Think of it as a snowball threatening to become an avalanche – your low open rates mean that ISPs will block your future emails, which leads to even lower open rates, and in turn, leads to a further lack of engagement.

No matter the size of your audience, it’s important to consider the health and effectiveness of your contact list, especially if it’s a list that you’ve nurtured and grown over a long period of time. By continuing to send campaigns to contacts that consistently DON’T OPEN your emails, you could be damaging your sending reputation –  which is a privilege that you are paying for.

To avoid this, we recommend sending a re-engagement email campaign only to recipients who haven’t opened your mailings in over 12 months and also checking back in on the engagement of your subscribers every three to six months. Then, continue to personalize re-engagement campaigns to those dropping off in interest. If someone wants to unsubscribe don’t be offended and don’t be upset, their just not interested and you’ll be saving your reputation vs them not doing anything with your campaigns. If you notice that certain people just are not opening your emails at all, its best to remove them yourself or reach out and contact them via phone to see what’s going on. Maybe your emails are getting caught up in their SPAM and they don’t know.

Re-engagement campaigns are a great way to reach out to your inactive recipients and get them regularly reading your emails. Doing so lets people know that you understand that they haven’t been active recently and reminds them why they should be reading your emails. Highlight your great content, be open and clear about your sending frequency, and invite them to continue receiving your emails only if they want them.

After you’ve done a re-engagement email campaign, you’ll be able to easily identify any recipients who are genuinely unengaged so that you can remove them from your list. By amending your list so that it’s full of active recipients, you’ll see greater levels of engagement, and in turn, the ISPs will notice a higher volume of emails being opened and clicked compared to emails sent, which is super helpful to building and maintaining your sending reputation and positively affects your email deliverability in the future.

If you’re wondering how you can determine who is opening and reading your emails and clicking on your email hyperlinks, this is not possible out-of-the-box with GoldMine CRM. You can however do this using a popular GoldMine Email Marketing Add-on called IntelliClick.  IntelliClick offers TREMENDOUS value to your GoldMine and has lots of great features for managing unsubscribes, hard bounces and can track who opened your email and who clicked on what link, and schedule automatic follow-ups in GoldMine for assigned sales reps and other GoldMine users. If you haven’t seen IntelliClick in action, please request a demonstration today.