7 Best Practices Which Lead to a Better CRM Database

In my “Getting Started with GoldMine” training class, I begin with a review of 7 best practices which lead to a better CRM database.  Right from the beginning, I believe it is important to establish a fundamental view about usage with an explanation of certain day-to-day habits which are critical to success with CRM.

From my two decades as a GoldMine user and trainer, I can confidently say that regardless of whether you’re just getting started or if you and your organization have been using GoldMine for years, these factors are going to determine whether or not your CRM system is being utilized effectively.

Run down of the 7 Best Practices:

1. Walk-in and Log in  – Be in the system.  Make GoldMine the hub of your day and use the task bar to spoke out to other resources.

2. Be on the Record – Get personal.  Have the company/contact record open while you’re speaking.

3. Later is Never – Know the moment of truth for good data.  There is NO data fairy that cleans up after you!

4. Set It and Forget It – Rely on GoldMine, not your memory.  CRM is a listening post for sharing information.  If it’s worth knowing, it’s worth remembering, and it’s worth entering.

5. Work as a Team – Set expectations.  “If it’s not in GoldMine, it didn’t happen.”

6. It is only Software – YOU Turn it into a System!  The programmers of GoldMine don’t work in your office, and they leave it up to your firm to configure and customize GoldMine to suit your organization’s needs.

7. What You Don’t Know Can HELP You – Use the “help file,” get help, get training.  Complaining about your frustrations doesn’t solve your problems.

I have much more to say about these best practices in my “Getting Started with GoldMine” training class.