GoldMine Premium 9.x NetUpdate Issues

We learned from the manufacturer of GoldMine that the NetUpdate for Premium Edition version 9 is working for some customers but not others, unfortunately, and it can be difficult to troubleshoot.

FrontRange suggests that you try to netupdate as follows:

Connect to netupdate (help, update GM) with your support username (email address) and password.  (Forgot password – you can look up on the support site).

If you have any support site login issues, you can contact customer care at 1-800-755-2100, option 3 (Support), option 2 (Customer Care) or email to

If you cannot netupdate:

Download product from the download center: and then email and include HDA, request license code and media if needed or call Customer Care at 1-800-755-2100, option 3 (Support), option 2 (Customer Care),

You are welcome to work through it with technical support at FrontRange as this type of support is included with your maintenance contract and you can call the 800 number above to start.

A few of the common issues are listed below for your reference:

There are a lot of security issues when customers try to connect from servers as netupdate looks at their license file, so errors occur here.

Some customers have success by downloading the update from another machine and not the server, with lower security settings.

Sometimes there is a lot of traffic on the manufacturer’s server and users cannot connect or receive a “timeout”.

When you try to connect multiple times (over and over) you can receive a message that you are already on the most recent version.

Usually waiting a few hours resolves this problem.

Another thing to make sure of is that the you are using Internet Explorer- no other browser is supported by NetUpdate.

I hope this information has been helpful.  Please let me know if I can assist you further.

For customers of First Direct Corp. with a support account we are pleased to handle your upgrade for you or assist you.  If you’d like our assistance please call First Direct at 845-221-3800 or email