Access to Information

This article begins with comments about the value of information and then progresses on to offer some suggestions for using GoldMine Premium.

If “information is power” then your access to it will determine your power to sell.  Here’s another old adage that speaks to the point of this article.  Know your audience!  Sales is contextual … meaning what you say and what you do relates to who you’re dealing with. 

It’s true that your ability to be effective as a salesperson depends on having access to facts, figures, and historical details regarding the consumer or business you are working with.  The more accessible the information you need to sell is, the better you can sell and the more you’ll sell, not mention the value it has for servicing your customers. 

What kind of information?  Some of the information you need is obvious – name, company, phone, email, and relevant qualifying details.  But you also should be collecting information to satisfy your marketing and management reporting needs such as lead source, industry, etc. 

In addition, if you are a real smart operator, you can appreciate the usefulness of less obvious details such as the age of the lead, when they were last contacted, a history of previous sales, credit status, customer service history, etc.

Enough said about what you need; what I’d most like to point out is how GoldMine Premium can help you access it.

To begin with, GoldMine Premium’s screen design has moved to a maximized view of the record with convenient tabbed access to windows such as your calendar, activity list, and email center.  In doing so, the top half of the screen provides much more space in which to layout fields.  Bringing fields up to the top half of the screen that were previously in the “Summary” and “Fields” Tab will display information at glance, so you can do less “clicking around.”

Plus, what many users don’t know is that you have the ability to have multiple “Primary Views.”  Primary Views are different screen layouts that you can apply to the top half of the records in GoldMine.  You can also automatically drive which screen is displayed using Record Type Rules which change the screen based on the value of the data in “Key1.”  (Click here to learn more about Record Typing) 

Within GoldMine Premium you can also have a GM+ View Tab or GM Browser Window that presents an entirely custom layout of information.  Because these screens in GoldMine use Internet Explorer to present HTML, your options for presenting information are practically limitless.  You can organize information the way you want, drill-down, and even tie in to external data from other applications in your office or from over the Internet.  

There’s even more possibilities using SQL Reporting Services and SQL Queries!  These tools, made possible because GoldMine Premium runs on MS SQL 2000/2005, offer firms powerful capabilities that can put the right information at your finger tips so you can target and analyze your sales activities far better than before!

This is all very powerful.  It’s time to think of new and creative ways that you and your organization can use information to sell more.  If you have an idea, and you’re wondering if it can be done with GoldMine, let alone how to do it, contact First Direct Corporation – we’re here to help you.

Consider this …

First Direct Corp. is having a webinar on April 2nd titled, “Using GoldMine Through The Eyes of a Sales Rep – A Sales Centric Approach to Using GoldMine.”