Logging into GoldMine Automatically

To setup your GoldMine so that it automatically logs in with your GoldMine username  here is what you need to do:

1. Right Click on the Short Cut Icon that you use to login to GoldMine with.
2. Select Properties
3. In the Target line you want to enter  after the .exe” a SPACE and then the following syntax /u:YOUR USERNAME /p:YOUR GOLDMINE PASSWORD

for example: .gmw.exe” /u:MARK /p:letmein will automatically log in the GoldMine User MARK (as long as his password is letmein)

The /u: stands for the username
The /p: stands for the users password

To have your username appear everytime you log into GoldMine so you only need to put your password in enter the following syntax only,

gmw.exe” /u:JAY

Note:  There is a space required after the gmw.exe” and also after the username and before the /p: