What Happens When You Don't Stay In Touch?

Image - Lose TouchDo you have a good friend in life when you were young, perhaps in school, who you are not friends with today?  We all do.  There’s a very good chance the chemistry would still be there if you happened to run into one another again.  So, why is that friendship lost?  In many cases the answer is as simple as, “We lost touch with one another.”

If you had good news or something exciting or interesting that you wanted to share with a good friend today, you might do so in social media or actually give them a phone call.  You reach out to them one way or another.  You’d stay in touch!

Maintaining a relationship in business is really not that far off from maintaining a personal relationship – you need to stay in touch!  Keep it real – try to avoid pressure – but don’t fall off the map!

Falling off the map with your prospects and customers is as damaging as doing so with personal contacts.  Only in the case of business, it can cost you your livelihood.   The damaging effects are more than you may have considered.

Click here to see “Five Damaging Effects of Losing Touch with Prospects & Customers.”